20 Things Business Owners Can Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving

November 23, 2023
20 Things Business Owners Can Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving

There are tons of things you can be thankful for in your personal life, and you don’t need any help coming up with that list. But what are you thankful for as a business owner?

Sometimes the stress of owning a business can feel more like a curse than a blessing, so at this busy time of year, it’s helpful to think of things for which you can be thankful as a business owner.

Here are 20 things business owners can be thankful for this Thanksgiving – just to get you started!

20 Things Business Owners Can Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving

1) You can take some time off without feigning illness.

2) You get to choose the people you work with.

3) Work is where you decide it will be – whether it’s in an office or from your home.

4) You are able to set your own priorities.

5) Last-minute changes you want to make don’t require outside approval.

6) You get to make money doing something you enjoy.

7) Your time as a business owner has made you more responsible.

8) You know more about managing finances than most people.

9) There’s a steady stream of income you can depend on to supply your needs.

10) If changes need to be made, you’re the one who gives the word.

11) You set your own business hours and realize there’s no prize for opening at 4:00 am.

12) Every company success and milestone achieved is your success, too.

13) You meet a lot of interesting, amazing people on your entrepreneurial journey.

14) A statistic you’ll be thankful is true: Small businesses have generated 64% of new jobs and paid 44% of the total U.S. private payroll amount since 1995 (Small Business Administration).

15) Your earning potential is only limited by what you are willing to do, not by raises others are willing to give you.

16) The intense feeling of contentedness that comes along with doing what you love keeps you going.

17) There are people out there – your customers – that enjoy your product or service enough to spend their hard-earned money on it. That’s amazing!

18) Instead of finding a job you liked, you built one you love.

19) Your friends and family members put up with a lot and give their unending support to you running your business.

20) Knowing that if you ever need a break, you can have Conversational virtual receptionists cover your phones while you’re away.

That’s our list of 20 things business owners can be thankful for this Thanksgiving, but we know it’s not an exhaustive list. What would you add to it? What are you feeling grateful for at this time of year? Please let us know in the comments!