Your salon or spa was created to help people relax, to detox and to become healthier mentally, physically and emotionally. It’s an important industry to help people to get more in tuned with their bodies and to take time out of their busy lives for themselves. It’s important to create a salon or spa that is void of distraction, and one that creates a soothing environment from the moment a client walks in the door.
One way the ambiance can be tampered with is by having a busy phone system that is ringing while your customers wait to start their appointments. They don’t want to be sitting in your lobby while the phone rings continuously. All this will do is make them think about their own busy days.
Instead, get the phone calls answered by a virtual receptionist, and allow your staff to create a more pleasant experience for your guests from the moment they arrive. Here are some tips on how a virtual receptionist may help your salon or spa.
Simplify your Appointment Book
In most salons and spas, independent entrepreneurs rent a booth space or massage room from you. This means that a customer calling for their massage therapist will need to call your company to reach him for an appointment.
Your group of independent entrepreneurs is sharing in the overall cost of the location, utilities and equipment but sometimes these team members will use their cell phone number to take appointments. Instead of allowing them to make their own appointments, which interrupts their ability to service their clients at the spa, have their phone calls all routed to your office phone system.
Then, you can set up a virtual receptionist which can handle all of your staff’s appointment requests. All you need to do is set up a single phone number that your business can advertise. Your advertising will be really difficult when you can’t promote a single number, as your staff members are taking appointments on their personal cell phones. Have the single phone number on a landline that can be promoted easily, rather than expecting each entrepreneur to advertise on their own.
Benefits of a Group Number
Your callers will have an easier time getting a hold of the spa or salon by calling your group number. They can ask general questions and make appointment requests without having to interrupt your massage therapist or nail technician during a customer visit.
All of the calls on their cell phones can even be forwarded to the main business number, and solicitors can be put straight through to voicemail to save you time. You can even have your group phone number set up with a selection for each of your staff members or a voicemail option for general inquiries.
With a virtual system, you can have the calls go straight to your virtual receptionist who will offer a cheerful greeting to each incoming caller, help with general inquiries and help with scheduling your appointments. You don’t have to worry about keeping a full-time receptionist on staff to answer phone calls. You also can avoid putting guests on hold when multiple calls come in.
A virtual receptionist can ensure there are less mistakes made in your calendar, as busy front desk schedulers can be easily distracted by incoming guests. Your guests want to enter the door and feel well-greeted and pampered. They want to watch the stress melt away while they wait for their appointment to start. A ringing telephone or distracted therapist is not the way to help them relax.
Additional Benefits
When choosing a virtual receptionist, consider hiring one that will not only help with your spa or salon’s needs, but can help you to track phone traffic and fulfill your marketing needs. Many salons only rely on word of mouth for their growth; however, your receptionists can expand this by sending marketing and promotion emails, placing orders for marketing materials, and following up with your clients to make sure they have the greatest experience possible.
Think about all of the amazing benefits a virtual receptionist can bring to your salon or spa. Consider hiring a professionally trained, happy receptionist to be the new voice of your business.