Power Your Business

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Power Your Business

All the tips and resources you need to improve your service and grow your business—in one place.

How Entrepreneurs Can Use the Illusion of Scarcity to Sell More

The study of psychology has told us a lot about business and economics. One thing it’s taught us? Entrepreneurs can apply the illusion of scarcity to appeal to their customers and increase their desire for products and services – to put it briefly, entrepreneurs can use the illusion of scarcity to sell more. There’s a right way and a wrong
March 25, 2021

What is Call Tracking for Small Business & How Does it Work?

How important are phone calls and offline analytics to your small business? As technology advances and we adopt new ways to connect with customers, gathering offline analytics might not seem like an essential part of your marketing efforts. But any business that receives phone calls from customers should be tracking and analyzing those calls and the campaigns that drive them–after
March 25, 2021

3 Ways to Get Your Office Ready for Spring

Do you work from a home office or leased commercial space? In either case, Spring is in the air and we’re craving lighter colors, a fresh sense of clean, happy scents, and new beginnings. You can spruce up your office for Spring in no time at all without spending a dime. Here are 3 ways to get your office ready
March 25, 2021

4 Benefits You Get from Sunlight and Fresh Air

Imagine lying in a windswept meadow with soft, diffused sun rays beaming down on you and a gentle breeze blowing around you. It’s a calming scene for many. We tend to associate sunshine and fresh air with happiness and peace. With the arrival of Spring, the sun’s rays are hitting the Earth in a more direct way, giving way to
March 25, 2021

Is IVR Hurting Your Customer Experience?

When it comes to answering a business phone, there are basically three options: Have a live person answer the calls, hire a third party to field your calls, or make use of automated phone systems. Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology is what powers automated phone systems. IVR systems allow callers to listen to a menu of options and select via
March 25, 2021

Can You Create a Professional Image with a Virtual Office?

When you run a virtual office, you probably don’t think much about how your image is to clients. You aren’t running your office in a physical location where you can have a great-looking sign, a beautiful lobby, and motivational artwork on the wall. You simply work from home and your staff works from home as well. How do you even
March 25, 2021

Home Office Furniture Ideas for Small Spaces

If your home office is in a small space, you might feel forced to adopt the minimalist design theme and skimp on the furniture. Without much space for furniture, it’s hard to make a small area feel like a home office. The trick to furnishing your home office is all in the placement and design of the furniture. From using

15 Important Customer Service Statistics

With customer expectations changing, small and medium-sized businesses need to understand what’s expected. Customer service has become one of the most important parts of every business, especially those who want to create excellent customer loyalty. Some specific statistics show the direction customer service is headed. Here are some of the most important customer service statistics every business owner should know.
March 25, 2021

14 Facts About Putting Customers On Hold

Being on hold is no picnic. It seems to last an eternity, especially when you’re calling about an issue you’re having with a product or service. We know how we feel individually about being put on hold, but recent studies have sought to find out how customers feel about being put on hold, how long is too long, and what

Statistics Show Repeat Customers Spend More and More Often

Repeat customers are always more profitable than new customers. Why? A variety of studies show that repeat customers spend more money and more often. About 40% of an eCommerce store’s revenue comes from a mere 8% of its customers. That’s right – 40% of an eCommerce store’s revenue comes from repeat customers, who only make up 8% of the total
March 25, 2021